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This website is operated by the Municipality of Matiašovce and is processed in compliance with current legislation, web content accessibility guidelines under Schedule No. 1 of the Decree on Standards for Information Systems in Public Administration (effective from 01 October 2008, issued in the Financial Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic No. 9/2008).

Web content administrator

Municipality of Matiašovce

Municipal Office:

Municipality of Matiašovce
Hlavná 74/43
059 04 Matiašovce

Company identification number (IČO): 00 326 399
Tax identification number (TIN): 2020697217
Bank details: VÚB, a.s.
Account number: SK92 0200 0000 0000 2932 5562
Municipality code: 523712 

Autonomous regions of: Prešov
District: Kežmarok
Region: Zamagurie
Number of inhabitants: 795
Area: 1750 ha
First written records: in the year 1326


Position Name Contact
Mayor Mgr. Marián Štefaňák 0911 89 00 47
052 418 12 02
Municipal economist Mgr. Mária Rušinová 0911 89 00 46
052 482 20 16
Payroll economist of the municipality Mária Obroktová 0911 89 00 54
052 418 12 01
Municipal administrative worker Bc. Mária Čarnogurská

0911 89 00 45
052 418 12 02

Chief Controller of the Municipality

PaedDr. Ján Tulušák 052 482 20 16
Handyman Ján Rušin 0911 80 98 78
Kindergarten headteacher Bc. Karina Graindová 0911 89 00 92
Principal of primary school PaedDr. Elena Galovičová 0911 89 00 87
Head of the municipal library Bc. Monika Kuchtová
Construction Authority Kežmarok Ing. Andrea Pikovská Bátory

Office hours

Day Working time
Monday 08:00 - 15:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 15:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 15:30
Thursday non-working day
Friday 08:00 - 14:00

Lunch break 12:00 - 12:30

The Municipality of Matiašovce is an independent territorial, autonomous and administrative unit of the Slovak Republic, exercising its autonomous competence independently (Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No. 369/1990 Coll. on Municipal Establishment). 

Technical operator of website:
Ostrovského 2
040 01 Košice
Slovenská republika
